►外國學生如欲在臺灣工作或實習(不論是在校內或校外),依規定必須『 先申請並取得工作許可證後,才能去工作 』,若未依規定申請工作證,即受僱為他人工作者,得處新臺幣 3 萬 元以上,15 萬以下之罰鍰並限令出境。請特別注意!
- 外國留學生、僑生及港澳生其申請工作許可,許可期間最長為6個月,其工作時間除寒暑假外,每星期最長為20小時。
- 未依前項規定者,本部得依就業服務法規定廢止其工作許可,而未依規定申請工作許可,即受聘僱為他人工作者,依就業服務法規定,處新臺幣3萬元以上15萬元以下罰鍰外,應即令其出國。
- 依據「雇主聘僱外國人許可及管理辦法」規定,來臺就讀正式學制之僑生、港澳生及外國留學生,入學後即可向本會申請,惟來臺學習語言課程之外國留學生,則須修業1年以上,方可提出申請。
- 於上學期申請者,工作許可證之期限至次學期3月31日止,於下學期申請者,工作許可證之期限至同年9月30日止;惟跨學期或學年度申請工作證,檢附經學校註冊組加蓋申請期間次學期註冊章之學生證影本或提供註冊證明者,不受前述申請期間限制,許可期間最長為6個月。
電話:(02) 8995-6000、(02) 2380-1711
服務時間:週一至週五 上午8時30分至12時30分,下午13時30分至17時30分
外國人申請業務服務時間:週一至週五 上午8時30分至下午17時時30分受理親自送件
►For you, as an international students who wish to work in Taiwan (either on campus or off campus), you are required to apply for and obtain the work permit before starting work. Please note that if you hold a job without applying for the work permit, you may be fined for NT$30,000 to NT$150,000 and ordered to leave the country immediately.
- The maximum work hours are 20 hours per week, except during summer and winter vacation.
- According to Employment Services Act, if you work without a work permit, you will be fined from NT 30,000 to NT150,000 and ordered to leave the country immediately.
- According to the "Regulations on the Permission and Administration of the Employment of Foreign Workers", you can apply for the student work permit only if you are officially enrolled as a degree student in any university or have taken one-year language course in Taiwan.
- For applications made in the first semester, the work permit is valid until March 31th of the next semester; for applications made in the second semester, the work permit is valid until September 30th of the same year. The period validity of a work permit is six months at most.
- For more details and regulations, please contact Workforce Development Agency
Address: 10F, No. 39, Chung-Hwa Rd. Sec. 1, Taipei City, Taiwan (ROC)
TEL: (02) 8995-6000, (02) 23801712
Office Hour: Monday to Friday, 8:30-12:30, 13:30-17:30
Office Hours for Application Submission in Person: Monday to Friday, 8:30-17.30
E-mail: wda@wda.gov.tw
For the complete regulation, please refer to: Ministry of Labor Employment Service Act